Adaptable Resolution
What is Adaptable Resolution?
It’s a resolution option focused on desired outcomes.
Adaptable Resolution processes focus on desired outcomes and seek to create a resolution agreement between the parties. The resolution agreement may include things such as required education or training, taking responsibility for harm caused, agreement on how to interact moving forward, or even an agreement to step away from the University.
It’s voluntary.
Both parties must agree to participate for the process to move forward. Either party can also choose to end the process. If adaptable resolution ends, other options, including disciplinary resolution, could be considered.
It’s not disciplinary.
It doesn’t involve an investigation, decision on responsibility or imposition of sanctions. It may involve taking responsibility for the harm caused. It may also include an agreement to participate in appropriate and reasonable remedies. These remedies could be similar to measures imposed as disciplinary sanctions, but they are always determined through mutual agreement.
The structure is flexible.
Adaptable resolution is a highly customized approach as each person’s needs differ.
What are my options for Adaptable Resolution?
Adaptable resolution includes the following approaches:
Restorative Justice Conference or Circle:
Can be a good fit for parties seeking the opportunity to share their personal perspective or describe the impact resulting from the interaction of concern.
Primarily involves the parties meeting individually with a facilitator several times in preparation for a meeting with the other party.
Aims to have the respondent understand the impact of their actions and take responsibility for harm done.
Can be a good fit for parties seeking logistical outcomes and not interested in sharing personal perspectives on the interaction of concern.
Typically occurs in a one-day meeting with both parties present (face-to-face interaction is not required).
Does not require a party to accept responsibility for harm done.
Two options for communication may be used as appropriate during any point of either process:
Facilitated Conversation: Structured face-to-face conversation between the parties with the support of a facilitator.
Shuttle Communication: Structured conversation conducted through a facilitator that does not require direct communication between parties.