Supportive Measures and Protective Orders
Supportive Measures
Supportive measures are individualized measures offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, without unreasonably burdening a complainant or respondent, not for punitive or disciplinary reasons, and without fee or charge to the complainant or respondent to:
- Restore or preserve that party’s access to the education program or activity, including measures that are designed to protect the safety of the parties or the educational environment; or
- Provide support during the grievance procedures or during an adaptable resolution process
Upon receipt of a report of Prohibited Conduct, the University will consult initially with the complainant and provide reasonably available and appropriate supportive measures If applicable and at the appropriate time, the University will also consult with the respondent regarding supportive measures.
Supportive measures may be provided at any time, regardless of whether a resolution process has been initiated or completed Requests for supportive measures may be made to the Equity Office Parties may also initiate a supportive measure review process to seek the modification or reversal of the University’s decision to provide, deny, modify, or terminate supportive measures applicable to them.
Supportive measures may include but are not limited to:
- assistance in accessing support services, including, as available, counseling, victim advocacy, academic support, disability, health or mental health services, visa and immigration assistance, and student financial aid services, both on and off campus
- academic support such as assistance with requesting deadline extension, schedule changes, late drops, and the ability to transfer course sections (this would include the University’s allowing either party to drop a course in which both parties are enrolled in the same class section without academic penalty)
- mutual restrictions on contact between the parties (no contact directives)
- assistance navigating on and off-campus housing concerns
- assistance with safety planning, including security escorts and referrals to resources that can assist in obtaining a protective or restraining order
- assistance connecting the individual to resources on and off-campus, including, as available, victim advocacy, health or mental health services, and student financial aid services
- assistance in obtaining a sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE)
- assistance in requesting long-term academic accommodations through the Office of Access and Learning Accommodation, if the party qualifies as an individual with a disability
- modifications of work schedules, change in work locations, changing working arrangements, or providing other employment accommodations as appropriate
Additional details surrounding supportive measures can be found in the Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct Policy. A list of on- and off-campus resources and support services is provided in the Resources and Support Services section in this website.
Protective Orders
In addition to (or instead of) Baylor’s processes, individuals who are being or who may have been subjected to Prohibited Conduct may also have the right to pursue orders of protection and/or restraining orders. The University will support individuals if they wish to have the University’s assistance in making contact with law enforcement authorities and other external resources to seek such orders. The University will respect and assist in the implementation of protective orders to the extent practicable.