In keeping with Baylor University’s Christian mission and its historic partnership with Texas Baptists, all members of the University community are encouraged to consider and respect the teachings of Jesus and the beliefs common to the Christian church. As indicated in Baylor’s Statement on Human Sexuality, “The University affirms the biblical understanding of sexuality as a gift from God. Christian churches across the ages and around the world have affirmed purity in singleness and fidelity in marriage between a man and a woman as the biblical norm.”
Sexual relations of any kind outside of a marriage between a man and a woman are not in keeping with the teaching of Scripture, as understood by the preponderance of Christian congregations and denominations throughout history, including the 5,000-plus churches affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Therefore, as a matter of moral commitment and Christian witness, all members of the University community are expected to abide by Baylor’s Sexual Conduct Policy and to respect this understanding of sexual relationships.
Baylor provides this statement so that those who join our campus community are aware of the University’s values and expectations. We believe that Scripture is the ultimate authority on how to conduct our lives and that it serves as a light to guide our way in a manner that honors God and others.
Baylor respects everyone’s right to express his or her opinion, and the University recognizes that there are members of our community who do not agree with Baylor’s statement on human sexuality. Regardless of one’s viewpoint on this issue, we believe that all people have been created in God’s image and that God loves all people unconditionally. Thus, Baylor supports the dignity and worth of every person and seeks to create a campus climate where each person is treated with love and respect within our caring community, as outlined in our University mission statement.
As a loving and caring campus community, Baylor will not tolerate harassment of any member of the Baylor Family and will take appropriate disciplinary action against anyone found responsible for such behavior. Baylor is committed to promoting and maintaining an educational environment in which students can learn and grow without the fear of being harassed. Students – including those who identify as LGBTQ – can report sexual harassment or sexual assault to the Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX Office without fear of retribution. If students are threatened or are in immediate danger, they should contact the Baylor University Police Department at (254) 710-2222.
We recognize that thinking through sexual development issues in isolation can be overwhelming for students and that community support in a trusted environment can be positive and nurturing. Thus, the University provides several areas of support for LGBTQ students. The Baylor Counseling Center offers voluntary support groups for LGBTQ (and questioning) students, which are overseen by experienced counseling professionals. The Chaplain’s Office/Department of Spiritual Life may also be of assistance. In addition, the Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX Office may offer support and resources. The University is committed to ensuring that these support services are deserving of students’ trust. Additionally, there are many caring and trusted faculty and staff across campus, as well as resources and informal support groups within the greater Waco community.
The GALIP Foundation provides an Affirming Church Directory™ on their website.
Baylor University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex or gender in any of its education or employment programs and activities, and it does not tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex or gender.
Clifton Robinson Tower, Suite 285
One Bear Place #97011
Waco, TX 76798